Thus many people once again qualify for medical deductions.
If the Government wants to allow medical deductions, fine, that I can understand.
"And who tries, every year, to take the payments on his sports runabout as a medical deduction?"
Only about five million Americans, or 6 percent of all taxpayers, took the medical deduction in 1994, the latest year for which data are available.
Naomi's care was "custodial;" it did not qualify for a medical deduction.
As medical deductions go, this one should really be classified as elementary.
That will increase the chances of exceeding the floor for a medical deduction.
A masterly exercise in medical deduction and sheer blasted luck!
The cost of hearing aids is a tax-deductible medical expense for those who itemize medical deductions.
It could reduce the client's out-of-pocket medical expenses, the medical deduction and the amount of benefits.