Despite this, a 30 year study showed no shift in the median size of antlers in a population of red deer.
The sweet spot for convention business is about 200,000 square feet, the median size of a trade show.
The median size of a house was 2,227 square feet in 2005, up 50 percent from 1973, the Census Bureau says.
This set of various average sizes includes median size, geometric mean size, average size.
THE median size of a new house in the United States just passed 2,000 square feet, 25 percent bigger than two decades ago.
In 1970, the median size was only 1,350 square feet and in 1980 it was 1,595.
My guess is a median size of 30MW or so.
In the current plan, by contrast, the median size of the buildings on the drive would be 33 stories.
In 1680, the median size of a plantation in Barbados had increased to about 60 slaves.