The district has many young teachers, so its median salary, about $61,000, is below average for the island.
The median salary in the major league this year was $400,000.
The median starting salary in private practice for the Class of 2008 was $160,000.
The median starting salary was $65,000 a year, about $500 above the previous year's level.
Managers reported a median salary of $83,000, or 3.8 percent more than last year.
Yes, the median salary for all clergy may have been $26,000 in 1994.
Their median salary in 1988, the last year for which figures are available, was $97,000.
The median salary on the team, he said, is $1,150 a month - and at times it shows.
In 2010, the median salary of an announcer was $27,010.
He said that over the last 10 years median starting salaries of teachers in the state rose 141 percent.