Shackleton couldn't afford to be unquotable: he paid for his expeditions by mortgaging profits from media ventures.
The service is also available in the Republic of Ireland and operates several other media ventures.
Abony has also been instrumental in the founding of a number other media ventures.
In May 2005, Znaimer re-emerged from a few years of virtual exile to head up a series of media ventures.
These promotional efforts are targeted and designed using market research, to increase the predictability of success of their media ventures.
The conservative Christian right and fundamentalist Christians have been especially active with media ventures.
In 1949, hoping to be able to take advantage of Puerto Rico's income-tax free status for future media ventures, Gardner moved his radio show there.
Lachlan, who grew up at the company's Australian newspaper arm, is on its board and has begun investing in his own media ventures.
In addition, Women Wise offers online learning classes in various subjects, as well as production services for new media ventures.
At the same time, Microsoft has pulled back from some of its media ventures.