The media in Pakistan immediately suggested a culprit.
Despite this he was not widely appreciated and the local media suggested that he had 'not lived up to his early promise'.
By nightfall there were almost 130 longshoremen picketing, though some media suggested the number could have been up to 300.
In addition, German media suggested that he had failed to understand the show's satirical nature.
Their woes are a major source of rural instability, the official media suggest.
Due to the many months before the scandal was exposed, the media suggest the official figures are likely to be understated.
Earlier media reports had suggested he might have been returning overnight from a trip the previous day.
Chinese media suggest that local criminals are responsible for a rising wave of crime.
Bulgarian media had suggested that his office served as a Communist-era secret police hideout.
Western media suggested the possibility of civil war as violence between the two sides escalated, leaving over a thousand injured.