The media and the general public also questioned American gun control policies as a result of the massacre.
Why is the media not questioning whether these arrests and prosecutions are appropriate uses of government resources?
The change came after the Chinese media discovered more bodies and questioned whether local officials were hiding the true toll.
The press and media later questioned the fly-by-wire flight control system.
American media also questioned whether Israel violated an agreement not to use cluster bombs on civilian targets.
Fans and the media questioned him about his street cred after seeing the video.
This was part of a bad stretch for Johnson, during which the local media questioned whether he might be nearing the end of the line.
The media questioned the artists' agencies on the matter, neither agency had confirmed or denied the rumors.
Why has the media not questioned him about this broken promise?
Meanwhile, other international media have questioned the necessity of a second austerity package, when the first one brought in no results.