An end to media portrayal of whites as oppressors.
But those running this campaign should realize that realistic media portrayals of the mentally ill might be the best way to educate.
Topics covered included media portrayal of torture, young black role models and corporate rebranding.
The mayor has said the release of the information helped to balance the media portrayals of the incident.
After this incident Findlay admitted to feeling so pursued by the media portrayal of him that he had considered suicide.
Families are often influenced by the media portrayal of the way women should run their families.
In westerns and other media portrayals they are usually called "Indians".
Finally, the media portrayal of political and educational events has presented an unsavoury image.
There tend to be negative media portrayals; references are sometimes made to stereotypes or mental disorders.
"A theoretical framework for studying media portrayal of persons with disabilities."