There are two media obsessions at the moment: the rise in the incidence of dementia, and the issue of assisted suicide.
This daily media obsession with Diana further burdened her already overstretched mental and physical resources.
I cannot understand all the media obsession about Labour at the moment.
"It's all about the cult of celebrity, and it's sort of a satire on the media obsession with famous people."
Is it, perhaps, a result of the media obsession with the O. J. Simpson trial?
The producer wanted to take advantage of Cher's image and the media obsession with her.
For Oz the tide floated the magazine off the mudbank of media obsessions and into new directions.
But the discussion this week about Labour's view on free schools reflects a media obsession with "U-turns".
The ongoing media obsession with her performance is weird.
More than ever, stars have become the touchstones of everyday life, which accounts for the media obsession with their marriages and families.