It allows some leeway to print media journalists because only 1 per cent of the population buys newspapers and magazines.
In addition to his work as an author, he is also an Arabic media journalist.
As one social media journalist put it, "Twitter has accelerated the news cycle to a point where news breaks every minute of every hour."
Most of those injured were media journalists.
Beyond division between media journalists and fans, there has been conflicting reports as to what season the show is in even between American Dad!
He has contributions as a printed media journalist, with sports columns, and is also a writer of Christian literature.
These are then harvested by media journalists or pro-censorship campaigners to create a false image of naturism.
He has been interviewed only on rare occasion by a couple of mainstream media journalists.
He would be best remembered for the role he played as a free media journalist.
The Media Elite was based on interviews with major media journalists and content analysis of their work.