"Dubai is a victim of media distortion," wrote one reader to a Web forum of one of the emirates' most popular newspapers.
Yet she herself makes use of media distortions, including that which insures a consistently cheery atmosphere.
The purpose was to bring ordinary news consumers into the debate over media distortion that currently takes place among elites.
'To be an effective advocate for peace, media distortions must be addressed'
The report showed demonstrators carrying signs which read "Shame on some Western media", "BBC CNN lies too" and "Stop media distortion!"
The 1988 album "By All Means Neccessary" featured "Stop the Violence," a diatribe against hypocrisy, media distortions and black-on-black crime.
Despite intense media distortion, the fact is that Reid received approximately 35,000 dollars in bribe money from an anatomical specimen broker over a period of seven years.
As to Japan, I don't think our cultural differences are merely related to media distortion.
Liberal fallacies on economic and social policy, foreign policy, media distortions, intraconservative squabbles - Rush weighed in on it all, and usually at a high level.
That was media distortion.