Not even mass media know things correctly, but contribute to misinterpretations.
He concludes that the new media, while not beyond being abused, are largely contributing to democratization and political reform worldwide.
These media had contributed to an obsession with "present-mindedness" wiping out concerns about past or future.
Other media, including a comic, have contributed to the Uncharted series.
The film examines how the media have contributed to the underrepresentation of women in positions of power.
The media, state governments and the employer community have also contributed to the development of public reporting.
How does the media contribute to this discrepancy?
The current tendency appears to be to lionise him; popular film and other media have certainly contributed to his appeal.
The media, too, may inadvertently be contributing to the subtle changes.
Kennedy understood that all the media could contribute to his popularity and the place in history he coveted.