The result is a media barrage that damages the sport's credibility.
Tomorrow is the 25th anniversary of Roe, with a requisite media barrage that is no doubt daunting to partisans of every stripe.
But unless it is the center of a media barrage, such growth often goes unnoticed.
The near miss, and the obligatory nonstop media barrage after it, probably did little to boost Lake's popularity.
Unable to mount a media barrage, Naomi Sims runs ads in Essence and relies on local promotion.
The Bill's initial popularity began to wane after an intense media barrage of highly critical commercials.
The media barrage continued in London, where she attended a Tommy Hilfiger store opening.
With the lessening of the daily media barrage, New Yorkers began to be less scared and more realistic about the risks on their streets.
I'd dodged the awful carnage and exempted myself from the media barrage.
"If honest public officials can be hounded out of office by partisan political attacks, by media barrages, then no honest public official is safe."