The company also develops and licenses internet software and social media applications.
Schäfer argues that the success of popular Web 2.0 and social media applications thrives on implicit participation.
Among these are a selection of office programs, web browsers, media applications and many others.
During 2011 we've witnessed how the Internet and social media applications can give .
Facebook and other social media applications built into the OS installer?
Casual games, social media applications including Facebook and Twitter.
When this happens, the media application can find itself suddenly without any more music to play because it's still waiting for its read requests to be finished.
She is a pioneer of online social media applications, including the first postcard application and the first interactive art show competition.
What they're saying is that media applications exhibit a very high degree of data parallelism, much more so than static apps.
The phone has media applications, but no built-in headphone jack.