The Netherlands continued its medal sweep in the men's 10,000-meter race, with Carl Verheijen setting the new games record of 14 minutes 54.47 seconds.
His first major victory followed at the 2012 African Championships in Athletics, where he led a Kenyan medal sweep with a championship record time of 27:19.74 minutes.
Saaristo, who had taken the silver medal in the one-handed event, won the two-handed event, leading a Finnish medal sweep.
Erdmann becomes the first champion of a unified German team, leading the nation to a medal sweep in the event.
In the men's half-pipe event, American snowboarders have collected six of nine possible medals, achieving a unique medal sweep in 2002.
Individually, she won a gold medal in the women's 100-meter freestyle, finishing with a time of 1:12.4, and leading an American medal sweep of the event.
Tamara Tikhonova led a Soviet medal sweep in the women's 20-kilometer race today, the final women's cross-country event of the Winter Olympics.
Soviet athletes swept the 10 kilometer race, which was the first medal sweep for the Soviets at the Winter Olympics.
The playoff pool for second and third resulted in wins for the two French fencers, completing France's medal sweep in the event.
The German men dominated the 3 metre springboard event with its second straight medal sweep in the event, taking the top four places in 1912.