Air ducts and other mechanical services are located in the flat channels between the vaults.
The next two floors are used for mechanical services.
Designing a separate institution would require, of course, adding areas for support functions such as food service, education, mechanical services, personnel, and financial management.
The division also has responsibility for electrical and mechanical services and site maintenance.
Minor's Bay marina also has a public telephone, as well as marine mechanical services.
Although the number of service stations outside major cities has increased in recent years, many do not offer mechanical services.
Renovations were undertaken in 2008/9 primarily to upgrade the mechanical, hydraulic, electrical and communication services within the building.
Soon they became associated on many projects in which Ove designed the structures and we the mechanical services.
This new structure was much more efficient: it housed half again as many employees, with better lighting, elevators and mechanical services.
Delivery had become a mechanical, joyless service to be rendered.