Patents provide exclusive ownership for 14 years to inventors of new mechanical, chemical and electrical products or processes.
However, today's mechanical products were not possible until the development of the small electric motor in the early 20th century.
Things made in the area include electrical equipment, mechanical and optical products, motor vehicles, and printed materials.
What was she thinking, to treat evil as if it were a mere mechanical product of deprivation?
Digital technology does not offer the same comforting physical cues that aided designers of mechanical products.
Sadly, as the Odyssey reminds us, attractive and innovative mechanical products often hide some problems.
The grip is a mechanical product for pulling, positioning, routing and strain relief of cables.
Textiles and mechanical products were foremost among a wide variety of products.
The mechanical products include the Rubik's Magic, 360, and Twist.
He believed that a person is not a mechanical product of environmental forces, but that the human personality continually grows.