When humans are considering many different possibilities, Penrose argues that we are operating in a highly parallel, quantum mechanical mode.
The analysis favored mechanical modes of combination and caused a considerable stir amongst clinicians.
He woke up around the eyes for long enough to find out that I wasn't a wave rider, aspiring or otherwise, and then settled into mechanical client-service mode.
To give you an idea of the time and energy scale involved in this: the neutron star enters resonance for the mechanical mode two seconds before it will collide.
In the case of Airbus the back-ups are the direct and mechanical modes.
Most of the mechanical modes do not meet all of these criteria.
The mechanical mode of writing cannot be deduced beyond the fact that it must have resembled that of the modern slate and slate-pencil.
The proposed device is characterized from a continuously tunable gain spectrum which selectively amplifies mechanical modes from radio frequency to microwave rates.
Unlike most electronic markers, the E-mag is capable of firing in both electronic and mechanical modes through means of a readily available selector switch.
In the mechanical mode it will deploy parachutes thirty seconds after breakup, then use air resistance to trigger the main chutes.