He also said major stations would have mechanical lifts within two years.
Typically touring is done on trails which are not maintained, and without any mechanical lifts to get up hills.
Plus, the orchestra pit is built on a mechanical lift, which also could not hold the water weight.
I was hoping there would be some sort of mechanical lift here at the bottom.
The pit floor also features mechanical lifts so that it can be brought up to stage level for music concerts and other activities.
You said the magical talking tree functioned like a mechanical lift.
Not all stations are equally accessible; some have high-level platforms or mechanical lifts.
It marks where cloud base begins when air is heated from below to the convective temperature, without mechanical lift.
They took the elevator, which was another interesting if archaic device: a mechanical lift.
"They were showing us how the theater worked, and there was this mechanical lift," Mr. Marshall said.