The eye is carefully protected from mechanical irritation as well as from the effects of too much light.
The skin of amputation stumps can be very sensitive to allergic, chemical or mechanical irritation and thus may have to be protected.
Scientific evidence demonstrates that fiber glass is safe to manufacture, install and use when recommended work practices are followed to reduce temporary mechanical irritation.
Epithelial hyperplasia is a constant finding in the presence of these stents, probably resulting from mechanical irritation.
Obesity is an exacerbating rather than a triggering factor, through mechanical irritation, occlusion, and maceration.
There is known autotomy of the tail under persistent mechanical irritation.
Short-term exposure to high concentrations of carbon black dust may produce discomfort to the upper respiratory tract, through mechanical irritation.
The triggers can vary and include infections, minor injuries, mechanical irritation, operations or stress.
Nature does not, however, ordinarily employ mechanical irritation to start the uterine contractions.
Pharyngitis may also be caused by mechanical, chemical or thermal irritation, for example cold air or acid reflux.