Its engine did not work, and we fixed it in the mechanic shop.
There is one gas station, a hardware store, Greene Poultry, which employees about 25 people, and a mechanic shop.
"We think we've done pretty well in terms of keeping the cars out there rolling and not in the mechanic shop," she said.
New 3 and 4 bedroom terraced family houses would be built along the north bank of the river where the mechanic shop once stood.
Shortly after graduating in the 60s, O'Neill opened his own mechanic shop.
I am talking about owning a mechanic shop, restaurant, retail store, etc.
Her parents run a mechanic shop in the city and the family lives in an apartment above it.
Responsibility eventually gets a hold of Gurgen as he steals a car from his mechanic shop and makes the trip with the young girl.
She finds them easily at the mechanic shop where they work.
He yells for Louis to come to the phone and it's at a mechanic shop.