Prices are $1.95 a box of 25 regular-sized meat ravioli and $3.50 for 50.
I liked the fine meat ravioli, too.
Siberian pelmeni, a meat ravioli, is $2.99 for 18.
"Have you noticed that no one serves meat ravioli anymore?"
But I ate my meat ravioli in the suburbs.
(For the record, neither of his places serves meat ravioli, either.)
Maybe even the best meat ravioli wouldn't thrill me now.
I had asked my standard question, "Do you have meat ravioli on your menu?"
It was the romance novel of meat ravioli, the true love that had eluded me for so long.
While it isn't a usual pairing, meat ravioli goes well with the nicely sharp pesto sauce ($9).