He cut several slices of bread, offering one to her as he slid the meat platter closer.
Mondays after 9 p.m., there are meat platters and music.
The least expensive meat platter, dark-meat chicken, is $6.95.
It can be ordered either as a complete dinner ($11 to $17) or just as a meat platter ($8 to $13).
On the meat platter, there was chicken, I think.
These can either be ordered as complete dinners ($11 to $17) or just as meat platters ($8 to $13).
They also serve food and do a nice smoked meat platter.
All six eat for a time as the serving woman replaces the depleted bread basket and removes the empty meat platter.
You must order four to seven days ahead, and can choose fish or a meat platter at $16.40.
She left the half-empty bottle on the table and scurried away to retrieve the meat platter.