The glass doors to the outside were constantly opening, and the building was cold as a meat freezer.
They found their meat freezer in someone's front yard, five blocks from their old home.
Even the nuns had heard Antek's story about finding the girl still frozen in the meat freezer.
Sven kidnaped Jill and locked her in a meat freezer.
If it was up to me, I'd make it colder than a meat freezer.
Christ, you're shaking like a hairless dog in a meat freezer.
Being locked in an industrial meat freezer and meeting the giant yeti had been the greatest day of her life.
Sela didn't think she'd ever be so happy to see the inside of a meat freezer, but she was.
They discuss hiring an electrician to fix the lights in the meat freezer, and business cards.
Svend accidentally locks up an electrician in the meat freezer.