So without a meat diet a cat would soon lose its sight.
I believe we have here an excellent corrective for a too exclusive salted meat diet.
Do you know what it does for camp morale to have dogs on a meat diet when our scientists don't have enough?
While a meat diet may be necessary for some people, no healthy person needs the aid of alcohol in keeping fit.
From the 1960s onward, economic gains allowed more Italians to afford a red meat diet.
However, he was shown to have had a meat rich diet for at least the 4 months prior to this.
The general consensus is that Sikhs are free to choose whether to adopt a meat diet or not.
On a native meat diet, you'd starve to death in a couple of months.
"They have a high meat diet, but they live long."
With the passing decades, Tesla shifted away from a meat diet.