There was a large black man behind the meat case.
You see them hanging above the meat case in his tiny shop.
"There's a price list right there," the butcher said, pointing to a faded piece of paper taped to the meat case.
Diners choose a cut of beef from a meat case and carry it to a communal grill.
Near the meat case are photos of people wearing "I ate it all!"
And his face was as raw as a pound of lean hamburger in the I grocers meat case.
An out-of-date calendar hangs on the wall, and the glass-front meat cases are filled only with soft drinks.
A meat case holds fresh prime and choice cuts (available Wednesday to Sunday).
And increasingly, the meat cases have marinated kebabs ready to go onto the grill.
The initial 30-second television commercial features a man pondering menu options at a meat case in a supermarket.