"A minor display of your magic does not interest me," Elminster said in a low and measured voice.
I sat at my desk, leaning upon my elbow, listening to his low and measured voice.
Now is the time to add his measured voice to the fury of El Général's.
The bad guys are all down," Brian told him in a more measured voice.
In time the familiar ring tone sounds and he lifts the phone only to speak in a low and measured voice "Hello?
It was years ago," Seidel explained in his measured voice, "in the days when I had an answering machine.
Valery said in his measured voice, "We might be doing things ourselves in winter, instead of waiting to see what others do."
If Spock was at all shaken by the near miss they'd just barely avoided, neither his measured voice nor his erect posture showed it.
"The sheriff mentioned you," Speckler said at last in a slow measured voice that almost passed for control.
At last she spoke in a hard and measured voice, as one who dare not trust herself to speak too freely.