The jump distance is measured electronically using digital video freeze frame technology or, in some cases, is measured manually by judges.
Water depths, for example, were measured manually, by simply dropping a lead sinker over the side of a ship and calculating the amount of line paid out.
In the individual large hill event, Funaki jumped so far that he landed beyond the video measuring area which resulted in the distance being measured manually.
The BMI can be measured manually, using the height and weight of a person.
Whereas the BMI of a person is measured manually by total weight and height, BVI is calculated by using 3D full body data to determine volume or weight distribution.
Two consecutive QT intervals were manually measured for all 12 leads of the ECG with the assessor blinded to the name and group of the patient.
Prior to running in the hole each stand is manually measured with a steel tape measure and the measurement recorded in a computer spreadsheet (previously a pipe tally book was used) alongside the stand number.
They can be used to automatically calibrate wheel diameter by comparing the number of rotations of each axle against a master wheel that has been measured manually.