The characteristics and sub-characteristics shown above are measured through a set of metrics or indicators, following an ontology similar to that defined by Punter.
The volume of acid secretion is measured following administration of betazole, diagnosis being secretion greater than 60% of the maximal acid secretion following betazole stimulation.
There was no significant reduction in foot cutaneous perfusion measured with the laser Doppler scanner either between the first two or between the second and final measurements following insertion of the catheters (Table 2).
ACh levels are also found to be lower when measured following a period of sleep deprivation.
It differs from the skin girth which is measured following the surface of the hull.
Gilbert was among the first to recognize that the free oscillations of the Earth (so-called bell-ringing modes) could be measured immediately following large earthquakes, and could be used to produce structural models of the inner earth.
Reduced spasticity and improved function were measured following the 2-week treatment block and improvements persisted 6 months later.
With increasingly sensitive detection equipment, a certain amount of pesticide residue will often be measured following field use.
Reduce dangerous driving maneuvers by 36% when measured 18 months following training.
The effectiveness of the treatment programs was measured at post-treatment, six months, and twelve-months following post-treatment based on self-reports confirmed by confirmed biochemical and informant reports.