The measure, however, exempted many of the largest components of the bill, including $3 billion in aid to Israel, and yielded reductions totaling about $140 million.
These measures have yielded meager results.
The calipers, he said, provide data about the distribution of body fat, which other measures do not yield.
Again, these measures yield roughly similar estimates of the federal government's budget position as a share of GDP.
Our measures of persuasion are yielding a good harvest this year.
Typically, this measure will yield a rate around 10 percentage points lower than the "engineering" measure, but time series show the same movement over time.
Indeed, simple measures, like moderate exercise or diet changes can yield enormous benefits.
Even then it is not obvious that this measure will actually yield the projected area.
I am convinced that measures such as these will not yield the results expected of them, and that some of them will even be counterproductive.
The new measures have already yielded results.