When he went on, the flat, measured pace of his words told her how clearly he remembered every second of what he was telling her.
Kassandros dictated at a smooth, measured pace.
Gawyn squared his shoulders and strode in flanking her, one measured pace to her rear.
In a steady, measured pace, the woman strode one full turn around them, looking them up and down, a hawk circling, inspecting mice.
Keeping low, he slipped from behind the first scrub oak and moved at a quick, but measured pace, still staying low.
He put down some money and moved to the parking area at his own deliberately measured pace.
A block behind them, headlights hung on their track at an even, measured pace.
"Honda will continue to be Honda and grow at a very steady, measured pace."
Feeling Martin and Grumm take them, she turned and began walking back down the path with a slow, measured pace.
"I'm sure they would..." the older man said, speaking in a slow, measured pace.