However, the concept of SCMS was resurrected in the broadcast flag, a measure (now defunct) mandated by the FCC to limit the copying of digital TV signals.
The measure mandated the committee find at least $1.2 trillion in budget cuts or the government would automatically face a spending sequester.
The first measure, which passed the Assembly but died in the Senate, would have mandated a full nutrition label, including a breakdown of fat content, when claims were made about the vegetable oil or cholesterol content.
The measure also mandated budget cuts that will require slashing the legislative staff of about 3,000 by at least 600 people.
Such concerns may manifest in measures prohibiting multi-family residential dwellings, limiting the number of people per unit of land and mandating lot size requirements.
Its most concrete measure is, again following basic rights in international law, mandating a minimum period of 28 days, or four full weeks, in paid holidays for all workers each year (though this includes public holidays).
The Tydings-Bush measure mandated the notorious Title X, which explicitly provided "family planning assistance" to the poor.
That measure defined gun shows broadly, mandated that all vendors - not just the 60 percent who are federally licensed dealers - conduct background checks on customers, and allowed three business days for the completion of those checks.
The 1996 measure mandated the creation of the teams, which are scheduled to be in place in October.