Spoons are also used in food preparation to measure, mix, stir and toss ingredients.
She measured ingredients for Korean royal court cuisine, and organized food preparation systematically.
I watched him measure ingredients, which he dumped in the big stainless-steel mixing bowl.
A bar spoon, equivalent to a teaspoon, is used in measuring ingredients for mixed drinks.
No, a Ton When cooking for 70,000, measuring ingredients can prove a challenge.
They can measure and stir ingredients, and then taste the fruits of their labor.
To measure ingredients, use a coffee can or a marked bucket.
They learn math by measuring ingredients for a cake or by writing a business plan for a restaurant.
Nor does soup call for exactitude in measuring ingredients: this is not a precision art.
Measuring dry ingredients, you are told to "scoop them up or use a spoon to put them in the cup."