After measuring atmospheric gases for years, Lovelock suspected that living organisms had a greater affect on the atmosphere than was recognized.
When using a gas syringe to measure gases it is important to keep the syringe free from liquids.
While the researchers can measure gases in the atmosphere with precision, they have not perfected methods of predicting their effects on particular regions on earth.
The proposed budget would cut $1 million, about 25 percent, from one program that measures atmospheric gases.
Technology for measuring volcanic gases has also improved.
Laser beams shot through openings on the roof and floor of the aircraft, measuring gases at different levels.
The Amazon tests have been made possible now only by the development of new instruments that can measure gases and particles on the smallest scales.
Positive-displacement (PD) meters can measure both liquids and gases.
The nodes can be equipped with sensors to measure temperature, humidity and gases which are produced by fire in the trees or vegetation.
Up to now, scientists have only been able to measure volcanic gases after they have been diluted by surrounding air.