Today's measures, as in many past trade plans, consisted largely of statements of intent rather than concrete actions.
Note that the first measure consists of all offbeats.
The Greek measure, a medimnus, consisted of five modii.
The new measures, supplementing a list put forward in mid-August, consist mainly of hortatory items to reduce demand and raise supplies.
This measure consists of a series of developmental play tasks and takes between 45 - 60 minutes to administer.
Six measures before 90, the right hand melody consists of straight sixteenth-notes creating a very fast pace.
His measure consisted of the risk premium divided by the funds' standard deviation of returns.
The measures proposed are commendable and consist of:
These measures should not consist of setting up yet another network and expecting spurious solutions to solve real problems.
Preventive measures consist in limiting runoff generation and sediment production at the source.