This test measures the amount of lead in the blood.
He also measured the amount of blood which it sent out to the body.
My question is, how do I measure the amount of aluminum in food?
The other way to measure the amount of fuel is weight.
A way to measure the amount a person has smoked over a long period of time.
It might help to be able to measure the amount of sugar in the solution.
He'd already measured the exact amount of time he needed.
It measures the amount of energy absorbed in a material.
It can also measure the amount of force needed to twist an object.
This measures the greatest amount of air you can breathe in and out during one minute.
The measures taken after the Soviet move into Afghanistan amounted to an across-the-board policy of "no exceptions" to high-technology items on Cocom's lists of banned exports.
Such measures, several whites said, amounted to prudence, not panic.
Although the measure amounted to a virtual declaration of war by the British, Congress did not have immediate authority to declare independence until each individual colony authorized its delegates to vote for independence.
A senior aide to Mr. Arafat, Nabil Abu Rdainah, declared that the Israeli measures amounted to "a declaration of war against the Authority and against the Palestinian people.
But after some blacks had complained that the measure amounted to "black insurance," Mr. Washington withdrew his support.
These measures amounted to a repudiation of the company's vassalage as Diwan and the annexation of Bengal.
This measure amounted to a monopoly of news wires by the state agency, controlled by the government.
As such, the measure amounts to an implicit repudiation of the tower-in-a-plaza building style encouraged by the 1961 resolution.
American diplomats said the measures amounted to a major overhaul of the United Nations and satisfied both the letter and spirit of the package of changes adopted by the General Assembly in December.
The measure amounts to a one-year windfall profits tax, a concept that most Republicans had until recently denounced as a discredited idea from the 1970's.