An index used in the survey to measure activity rose to its highest level since October.
This week, the government is set to release several reports measuring economic activity, including retail sales and the federal budget deficit.
After the participants read the contradictory comment, the researchers measured increased activity in several areas of the brain.
Answer guide: Because the accounts are to do with measuring economic activity rather than the timing of receipts and payments.
In a separate study, the researchers measured activity in parts of the brain connected to memory.
Measuring economic activity in nations under sanctions requires different techniques than those used for other countries.
There are a number of ways to measure economic activity of a nation.
The companion index measuring current economic activity dropped 1 percent in January, the largest of four straight declines, today's report also showed.
The monitors measured body temperature, blood pressure, heartbeat, and brain-wave activity.
Time is relative, (a mental calculation that measures activity.