"What is driving the science" is a meaningless statement.
To say that someone "wrote his undergraduate essay on Kipling" is to make a meaningless statement.
"Public pensions are unaffordable" is a meaningless statement without qualification of how and why.
This is a meaningless statement, as long as we properly understand what a scientific theory is.
Prevarication - a speaker can say falsehoods, lies, and meaningless statements.
As in a totally meaningless public statement such as, "Company A welcomes its ability to find two cheeks with both hands"
The popular western understanding sees kōan as referring to an unanswerable question or a meaningless statement.
Major, Blair, Brown and now Cameron only offered meaningless statements about changing the situation as well.
A meaningless statement posits nothing of substance with which one could agree or disagree.
Since different people have differing dietary needs, just saying "eat less" is a relatively meaningless statement.