I hope this doesn't turn into a job interview of the future where you have to compete to get some meaningless jobs.
After a few meaningless jobs and failed ventures, it hit me.
Even now there is a certain nostalgia for the old days when everyone had a job, however meaningless.
Both Robin and Wendy have relatively meaningless bureaucratic jobs.
Mr. Stein, who now holds a meaningless job, which is fitting, is nothing but a walking dollar sign.
Rachaela is a young woman who lives alone in London, working in a meaningless job.
What about those, older than she, left behind in the sudden changes, stuck in meaningless jobs in factories with no orders?
Tom has seemingly given up on life and has resigned himself to a string of meaningless jobs as he waits for his life to change.
"I'll bet you a million dollars he's a guidance counselor," says one, thinking the man may be suffering the ill effects of having "a meaningless job."
No longer can we have a huge state sector which will automatically take the overflow from the unemployed and give them meaningless jobs.