Adding enough nuclear power to make a meaningful reduction in greenhouse gas emissions would cost trillions of dollars.
Moreover, few politicians are likely to endorse any meaningful reduction in public spending before Parliament elections, which must be called by September.
There were so many, though, that she knew she had no realistic hope of making any meaningful reduction in their numbers.
Though growth forecasts are turning cautiously positive, few analysts predict any meaningful reduction in European unemployment.
The first issue addressed has to be a meaningful reduction of the budget deficit.
A $636 million budget-buster virtually eliminates the possibility of a meaningful reduction in the income tax.
If there is no meaningful reduction in the size of the trade deficit, many are prepared to sell dollars.
We are all being asked to sacrifice to help achieve meaningful reductions in the Federal deficit.
Two higher doses did not produce a statistically meaningful reduction in cancer risk.
Only then will we begin to see a meaningful reduction in the Suffolk County jail population.