It means enthusiastic unity or high morale among the members of a group.
"But this does not mean unity at any price."
That could mean greater unity and coherence in monetary policy in the event of some future crisis.
Which means unity of the opposites in every element or process in the world.
This ship and a fleet like her will mean ideological unity if we play our cards right.
Hadn't he felt that quicksilver pain that had meant unity, intimacy, destiny?
It should mean unity to create conditions for a life worthy of a human being, protect the environment, combat hunger, diseases, drug addiction and ignorance.
In contrast to that it means unity stemming from the common bond of caring for each other.
It gives meaning to the phrase 'unity in diversity', which has been used so much here this evening.
It revolves around the concept of "Tawheed," which means "oneness and unity."