Other airlines consider such amenities nothing more than sizzle, and believe that consumers want steak, meaning bigger seats or greater choice of seat sizes.
They are not generally less expensive, though; small rings mean fewer seats, which often equates to higher prices.
Luckily, he also means urns, seats, pergolas and gates - the sort of things a mortal might try to incorporate in a garden plan.
This has meant fewer seats to fill, he said.
Campaigners believe longer trains, additional services and some extra tracks would mean enough seats on trains.
This meant fewer seats and less revenue, but it was an artistic triumph.
A combination of higher fuel costs, the recession and wartime jitters means empty seats and record losses for the industry.
Open kitchens make special sense in New York, where space is precious and the inches saved by an absent wall may mean extra seats.
Ordering tickets by mail can mean better seats.
Rebecca Front: Being treated like a celebrity these days means dancing weather presenters, freezing queues and bad seats.