This mean punch from winter when spring is officially less than two weeks away led many people in the region to lament its always unpredictable weather.
Cristina Fairfax packed a mean punch.
Called Gria, these winged females are small, but pack a mean punch, specializing in three new classes and one old one.
A Coronation Street insider said: "Leanne packs a mean punch.
Angelina throws a mean punch.
While reviewing the eighth DVD from Viz Media, Activeanime mentioned Nami is one of the best characters from the series as "She's got guts, smarts, and can heft a mean punch when needed".
Your false god throws a mean punch.
Lord, if that lout doesn't throw a mean punch!
The danger, according to the 1989 report, was that even tiny debris packed a mean punch because of the enormous speeds of most everything in orbit.
He also packed a mean punch, according to his estranged wife Sheila.