Despite knowing the strict isolationist Japanese policy of the time, which meant death or imprisonment for foreigners who set foot on Japanese soil, he signed on as a sailor on the whaling ship Plymouth in 1845.
She said the economies of some European nations were stabilizing, and a softening dollar in a cooling American economy would mean lower travel costs for foreigners traveling in the United States.
Located at the junction of Jalan Bahar and Jurong West Avenue 5, the hostels are meant for foreigners working or studying in Jurong.
The projection isn't just meant for foreigners.
All Apple Gaming Microsoft Gadgets Open Source Business Science Tech Policy Staff Even without DNS provisions, SOPA and PIPA remain fatally flawed What does SOPA mean for us foreigners?
Phase 3 registration is meant for foreigners who do not have Singapore permanent residency, though citizens and permanent residents who have yet to secure a place could also apply.
All Apple Gaming Microsoft Gadgets Open Source Business Science Tech Policy Staff What does SOPA mean for us foreigners?