And you had the means to enforce that implementation?
The judgments given by the Court in these cases are binding, although it possesses no means to enforce its rulings.
Some claim that, although this bill may have the right idea, it lacks the means to enforce itself.
We have very limited means to enforce our regulations.
At best, the panel could develop the means to enforce the 20-day standard for the screening of requests, which, in reality, can take months or years.
"The main problem is that even in Maharashtra, we have no means to enforce the new law," she added.
The city had no means to enforce maintenance of properties.
The official veterinarian must have the statutory means to enforce the requirements.
It is not enough to regulate or adopt rules, we must have the means to enforce them and to supervise their enforcement.
"A peace officer shall use every reasonable means to enforce a protection order," the state law provides.