For so far we have heard only of the duty which society imposes in order to exist: to be truthful means to employ the usual metaphors.
The builders of the mansions had the means to employ the best architectural talent available to them at the highest level of creativity.
Conceptualization from observation of physical existence and conceptual modeling are the necessary means human employ to think and solve problems.
Those legit brewers found other, legal, means of employ during Prohibition and the caves apparently stood empty.
No ruler, possibly other than in Italy, had the means or the wish to employ large forces when there was no war.
Majordomos were common in Europe until the landed aristocracy weakened and no longer had the means to employ them.
He had no means to procure testimony or to employ attorneys to hunt it up.
Western officials said international aid to Obolensk provided the means to employ more than half the scientists here.
The visual means she employs distinctly reiterate or re-enrich Conceptual models in their physical reality.
The means of egress employed by the murderers.