Most of us wish that Russia would not sell weapons and the means to create nuclear bombs.
Jensen used every means available to him to create the illusion of more space.
Pensioners lack both the financial means and the organization to create a threatening opposition.
"Among us, we have the means to create a stronghold which no human horde can penetrate."
Solar and wind power provide the means for America to strengthen its energy security, create jobs in growing markets, and improve the environment.
Major record labels have the means to create Illusions for...
But the simple reality is that Russia, now and for years to come, has neither the financial nor the military means to create a lasting new empire.
Because it's precisely those who have had the most impact that have the means to create a solution.
If a cell's mitochondria or chloroplasts are removed, they do not have the means to create new ones.
But I have neither the means nor desire to create trouble of any kind.