Furthermore, it is not clear that authors who write "social construction" analyses ever mean "social construction" in Pinker's sense.
In Slovakia this meant extensive construction of railways.
It meant a bit more construction, naturally, but the smaller groupings allow for more individualized attention and instruction.
In general, it is a popular term used within the name of many Japanese and Korean firms, meaning 'construction' for big projects.
But I mean additional construction?
For Mr. Frieda, that means construction, an industry sorely needed in emerging nations.
"I got into it searching for a luxury T-shirt and underwear, meaning beautiful, high-quality construction, not at an insane price point," he said.
That means careful planning and labor-intensive construction.
Honest meant straightforward construction; if something looked as though it were stone or wood, it had to be solid, not a surface dressing.
Asked whether that meant construction would wait for a change in the market, he answered, "It could mean anything."