The floods did deposit fertile soil and silt, which meant better growing conditions for crops the next season.
They said this would mean more hectic conditions and longer stretches at the radar screens with no one available to give controllers a break.
"That that means wages, hours and conditions of employment."
A posting here would surely mean uncomfortable conditions and dangerous assignments, in a downward-spiralling career.
A calm and sunny Thursday meant good scoring conditions for the opening round of the 2009 championship.
You will also find that this area is much quieter which means better on-piste conditions as well.
Heavy rain meant challenging conditions, but the sides were evenly-matched for most of the game and until the third half, the score remained at 4-4.
That means security from violence and an end to occupation; but it also means better conditions of life.
This would mean conditions that were all too ideal, especially for organised crime.
We want fair trade for everyone and by that I mean equal conditions for competition.