"You mean because pretty soon this guy's going to be grinning at the daisy roots?"
Its name means "Pig Water," because the water used to be so poor in quality.
I guess he really meant it, because he sure swings on them an awful lot.
'Anything less than seven points could mean a play-off or indeed nothing at all because so many teams still have a chance.'
Iggy meant something to them, because he still rocks.
Not a happy smile, but' one tinged with sadness, as if he knew exactly what she meant because he felt the same way.
This means a substantial saving for the company, because recruiting, hiring and training a new worker costs $600 to $1,300.
And the question then was, okay, how do we get guaranteed connections, I mean, because what if we have to send a file?
However, that does not mean a thing, he said, "because I was doing it professionally."
But he meant to, because this time nothing-nothing-would stop him.