These days, there are many options for meal delivery, from Meals on Wheels to gourmet meal delivery.
Ms. Gotbaum is also coordinating a fund-raising program with supermarkets and drugstores to help compensate for planned cuts to meal deliveries for homebound senior citizens.
We provide a variety of services that help ease the stress for care givers, like home care services, adult day care programs and hot meal delivery.
Drop-in center, meal delivery for homebound, counseling, peer support, case management.
Before leaving the room, she used the computer to log a "do not disturb" order and a delayed order for a meal delivery with the palace household staff.
Jennifer Kay called in mid-December, right after my first operation, to say some people wanted to bring food over and could she make up a schedule of meal deliveries.
Mrs. Malon is among the more fortunate: her mind is still sharp, and with regular meal deliveries, she hangs on.
Still the prisoners kept a running estimate, as best they could, based on changes of shifts and meal delivery.
The fund finances AIDS education and prevention, meal delivery, emergency financial assistance and home-care services.
Offers assistance to crime victims, health screening, shopping and chore services, and meal delivery.